Who’s crying now?: LeBron and the Heat top Kobe and the Lakers

Posted: March 10, 2011 by Dan Condie in Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade, Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers, LeBron James, Miami Heat, NBA
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It doesn’t matter what color the uniforms, when LeBron and Kobe are going to be on the court at the same time, it’s the biggest event of the season. The fact that it’s only going to happen twice a year, presumably, until Kobe retires (barring a meeting in the NBA finals), turns the media and fans ravenous.

Discussions of who the better player is between the two, who would you rather have on your team, and endless comparison’s and polls (which I find ridiculous anyway since, clearly, LeBron is the superior player) can be found on every Sportscenter report, sports talk radio, and NBA pre-game interviews.

After losing to the Chicago Bulls at home, Coach Erik Spoelstra mentioned during his post-game interview that some “guys were crying in the locker room.” Needless to say, the media blew those words up to the point where it was front page news.

The Heat struggled their way to a 5 game losing streak going into this match-up with the Lakers.

Most NBA analysts wrote the Heat off after going winless in 5 straight games. Add in the fact that the Lakers were on an 8 games win streak, and I suppose you could find good justification.

LeBron, as he has in 10 of 16 games against Kobe (including the last 4 straight), walked off the court the victor.

Who’s crying now?

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